My Novels

Three down, who knows how many to go. I’ve got one in its final phases and a long list of ideas for the next novel, the one after that, and so on. I hope this page continues to grow and I continue to write because I enjoy it – the icing on the cake is having a publisher take the leap with me. Here they are, my three published novels:







Starting Over – Where it all began, back when I was determined to start a novel but unsure whether or not I could finish one.

Life’s Journeys – My second novel, the one I wrote because I wanted to try my hand at something lighter and more fun than Starting Over.

Confessions of an Aging Adulterer  – My third novel, the one I wrote to try a different style and to write the kind of book I most love to read.

Click on the titles to learn a bit more about each book and then check out what I hope will be my next addition to this list, A Wrong Turn.